Program of Studies 25-26 loading...
Table of Contents
Introduction Page
Principal’s Message 1
Administration 2
General Information
Requirements for Graduation 4
Summer School Grading Policy 5
Schedule Changes 5
Directed Studies 5
Military Recruitment 5
Class Ranking System 6
Academic Levels 7
Four-Year College Requirements 8
Special Education 8
Weighted Courses 9
Dual Credit 11
NCAA Academic Eligibility 13
Ninth-Grade Course Selections
Ninth Grade Course Selections 15
Collegiate Academies
Allied Health 17
Business and Finance 19
Computer Science 21
Engineering Sciences 23
Law and Justice 26
Teacher Academy 28
Visual and Performing Arts 31
Course Selections and Descriptions by Department
Air Force Junior ROTC 33
Business 35
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education 40
English Language Arts 44
Family and Consumer Sciences 50
Industrial Technology Education 53
Mathematics 57
Science 61
Social Studies 67
Visual and Performing Arts 74
World Languages 83
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Principal’s Message
Dear Students:
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the 2025-2026 Program of Studies for
Williamstown High School. Our administration and faculty are dedicated to providing an
extensive curriculum designed to meet the diverse needs of our student body. We
believe in a quality education for everyone, and that is reflected in the courses listed.
The purpose of this book is to provide you with a reference during the course selection
process; please take the time to read through it carefully. All courses offered are listed
along with their descriptions, length, credit value, and prerequisites. Upon choosing
your courses for next year, it is essential that you consider your strengths, interests,
past academic achievement, and post-secondary goals.
Please understand that you are not expected to make such important decisions without
assistance. Resources such as your school counselor, teachers, and
parent(s)/guardian(s) will provide you with the support necessary to select courses
aligned with your goals. Each of them cares a great deal about your success and will
help guide you through the process.
No matter if you plan to attend college, trade school, join the armed forces, or enter the
workforce directly, challenging yourself academically with a schedule suited to your
goals and interests can speed up your path to success.
Best of luck in planning your future!
Angelo DeStefano
Monroe Township Public Schools
Monroe Township Board of Education
Mr. David Chando
Ms. Tiffanie Davis
Mr. Quandell Iglesia
Ms. Allison Longo
Mr. Jimmy Magee
Ms. Marion Massaro
Ms. Rosemarie Mohr
Dr. Rena’ Morrow
Ms. Stephanie Young
Central Administration
Dr. Brian J. McBride, Acting Superintendent of Schools
Ms. Lisa Schulz, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mr. Alex Nonnemacher, Director of Special Services
Mr. Stanley W. Krzyminski, Director of Curriculum
Mr. Michael J. DeAngelis, Supervisor of Transportation
Content Area Supervisors
Mr. Richard Baker, Social Studies and T.A.G.
Dr. Steven Carey, Special Areas
Ms. Samantha Costill, English Language Arts and BSI
Mr. Darrell Ford, Math and BSI
Mrs. Amanda Gianfortune, P-3 Early Childhood
Mrs. Jamey Keane, Science and Technical Areas
Monroe Township Public Schools
Williamstown High School Administration
Mr. Angelo M. DeStefano, Principal
Mrs. Kathleen L. McKinney Assistant Principal
Ms. Michelle E. Sanchirico, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Christine A. Stanton, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kellyn M. Torcasio, Assistant Principal
Mr. Francisco Olaya, Director of School Counseling
Mr. Dean Insana, Assistant Principal of Athletics/Activities
Williamstown High School Counselors
Ms. Lisa Coia
Mr. Michael Fau
Mrs. Shelby Leibowitz (MHAC)
Mr. Stephen Matranga
Mrs. Collette Meo (MHAC)
Ms. Stacy Olitsky
Mrs. Jennifer Panas (SAC)
Mrs. Colleen Pearl
Mr. James Slade
Mr. Shawn Tracey
Williamstown Middle School Counselors
Mrs. Leslie Borkowski
Ms. Janelle Canavos (SAC)
Mrs. Natalie Catalano
Ms. Lauren Dunmyer
Miss Mariah Floody
Ms. Aurora Knutsen (MHAC)
Ms. Elissa Llerandi
Ms. Elizabeth Nolan (MHAC)
Mr. Ernesto Vale
Requirements for Graduation from
Williamstown High School
Credits are awarded on the basis of how many times per week a class meets. For example: If a
class has a lab and meets for a total of six periods per week, 6.00 credits are awarded. A
regular five-day a week course receives 5.00 credits. A semester course that meets five days a
week is awarded 2.50 credits and a marking period course that meets five days a week is
awarded 1.25 credits.
Required Courses
Twenty (20) credits of English Language Arts
Fifteen (15) credits of Mathematics (Must include Algebra I, Geometry, and a third year
that builds on the concepts.)
Fifteen (15) credits of Science
(Must include Biology and an additional laboratory/inquiry based science course which shall
include chemistry, environmental science, or physics; and a third laboratory/inquiry-based
science course.)
Five (5) credits of World History/World Cultures
Ten (10) credits of United States History
(US I and US II)
Minimum of (4) credits of Physical Education/Health/Safety for each year of enrollment.
Five (5) credits of Visual or Performing Arts
Five (5) credits of Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills, or
Vocational-Technical Education
Five (5) credits of World Languages
2.5 credits of Financial Literacy
education and cross content workplace readiness are infused in all disciplines.
Promotion and Retention
A high school student will be promoted to the next grade level based on the successful
completion of course work, attendance of the required number of sessions per course, and
earning the accumulated total of credits as follows:
Students must enter the school year with the following number of credits in order to be
Grade 10 - 30 credits Grade 11 - 60 credits
Grade 12 - 85 credits * 120 credits are required for graduation
Please Note: If a student loses credit due to the attendance policy in a required
course the course will have to be repeated to earn the credits to graduate.