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  • NJ Financial Aid Application Grad Requirements

The state of New Jersey has passed a new graduation requirement that makes the completion of a financial aid application form a prerequisite to obtaining a diploma for public high school students in the Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027. Please click this link for a letter with more information. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor.

FAFSA Letter to Parents.PDF

Mission Statement


Every student who participates in the K-12 counseling program in Monroe Township will become aware of their strengths and interests. They will work on developing positive self-esteem and the ability to respect and get along with others. While becoming aware of opportunities in the workplace, learners will develop an understanding of how their educational program relates to their life long career goals. Students will recognize the skills and the work ethic that will make them desirable in the workplace. Students will take the responsibility to use these skills and information and relate them to the development of their life plan.


Introduction and Overview


Our students today are faced with many complex personal/interpersonal, educational and career issues. It is our vision for our students to function productively in the areas of socialization, coping skills, future careers, economic stability and being a positive, contributing member of society. Comprehensive, developmental school counseling programs can produce benefits for students, schools, families, and communities. All Williamstown students will participate in classroom, group and individual counseling activities facilitated by a school counselor. The areas of academic development, personal/social development and career development will be addressed according to the appropriate developmental level. 


The Williamstown School Counseling Program is designed to meet the needs of all students in our school district. It is structured to fulfill academic, personal/social, and career development needs. 


As a developmental program we have shifted the focus from crisis based counseling to a sequential systematic delivery service. The Williamstown School Counseling Program: 

  • Involves all students 
  • Is based on a sequential and planned curriculum 
  • Is intergraded as part of the total education program
  • Helps students function academically and learn more efficiently 
  • Prepares students to handle and cope with life transitions 
  • Addresses all issues in an open and sensitive manner