Grades are distributed as follows
Major Assessment 40%
Minor Assessments 50%
Supportive Assessments 10%
Minor – Daily Skill Development Average
Each student is expected to give maximum participation in all activities
Students start the marking period off with 100 points for this category.
Unprepared for class/refuses to participate -6 points for the day
Can lose between 2 to 6 points during the class for poor participation
If a student is absent, they will lose 2 points for the day, however, they can earn those points back by completing the “What’s the Scoop?” current event make-up assignment that is posted for the week in their google classroom.
Major - Daily Prep Average
Must wear an acceptable uniform and proper footwear for full credit
Each marking period, students will start off with 100 points for this category
Any time a student is unprepared for class (not dressed/does not participate) they will lose 6 points from their grade in this category
If a student is improperly dressed for class, they will lose 2 to 6 points
If a student is absent, they will lose 2 points from their grade, however, they can earn those points back by completing the “What’s the Scoop?” current event make-up assignment.
Supportive - Knowledge and Skill Assessments
Minimum of 3 Supportive assessments each marking period.
Written tests/quizzes
Skill evaluations
Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the activity.
Point deductions from the major and minor assessments will be as follows:
Not Dressed for Class/Refusal to Participate Poor Participation Inappropriate Behaviors/Discipline Issues Improper Uniform Refusal to Remove Jewelry When Instructed to do so Late to Class/Late to Squads *Unexcused Absence |
-6 -2 to -6 -2 to -6 -2 -6 -1 -2 |
* Must complete the "What's the Scoop?" Assignment to earn these points back |