Anytime a student is absent from PE class for any reason (with the exception of Class Trips, overnight school trips, death in the family) they will lose 2 points from their grade. Every student has the opportunity to make-up those 2 points by completing a “What’s the Scoop?” current event assignment (posted in their google classroom) for EACH day they are out of class. Topics may include anything that is sports, fitness or health related. All work must be in the students OWN words (do not copy out of a book, newspaper, magazine, etc.). Make-up work is due within 3 days of the students’ return from their absence. If a student is out multiple days in the week, they can use the same google form multiple times.
Please Note: Students are not permitted to miss their Health or PE class to finish work or make-up work for another class. This will be considered a “cut” and a discipline referral will be submitted.
Near the end of each marking period, our PE staff will make every effort to offer a PE make-up day. This will allow the students a chance to earn 6 points back to their grade for a day they were not prepared for class. This will not count towards points lost for discipline, refusal to remove jewelry, or gum. This will be held after school from 2:20PM-3:00PM. The students must be properly dressed for PE class and report to the teacher in-charge by 2:20PM. Any student who arrives to class after 2:20PM will not be allowed into class.